Old parties' messages wear thin, while Greens grow

Here we are almost a week into the campaign and the gaffs, mudslinging, hollow promises and question dodging of the old parties are thick on the ground. So cynical a tone there is, it makes you wonder if any one is going to turn out to vote on October 14? Fortunately the Green Party of Canada with our eloquent leader Elizabeth May at the helm are keeping above the detritus and sailing on toward election day with a positive message of political change, economic prosperity and environmental sustainability.

While the same tired old tactics, of election time spending that never becomes reality and, the all too new, negative campaigning spews out from the NDP, Liberals and CONservatives, the Green Party's policies shine as a complete solution to our country's morally bankrupt government, and our planet's future as a home for humanity. This message is resonating with Canadians loud and clear and about time too. As the leaky hulls of the old parties sink lower and lower into the political abyss more and more voters are looking to the vision of the Green Party as a lifeboat rescue out of the pending maelstrom and into clean, clear waters for generations ahead.

October 14, 2008 will be an historic day for Canada and particularly for the Green Party as it is a certainty that disaffected Canadians will vote en masse for the right choice, consigning the old attitudes of deficit spending, oil addiction and warmongering to the political trash can and electing the first of many Green members of parliament.

Not that the next month will not take a huge effort on our behalf to make this dream become reality but the fact is the tide has turned in our favour at last. People are embracing green ideals not only in their lifestyle choices but as a credible direction for the future and they are looking to our party to bring the political will and leadership to make it happen. Our campaigns should encourage this positive trend by feeding this appetite for change with clear messages of commitment and credible policy. The snowball has trembled, in the next week or two it will start rolling and by the time the dust has settled from the TV debates it will be gathering momentum, picking up thousands of newly empowered voters as they respond to the Green Party as the right and best choice to lead Canada forward through the 21st Century.

To one and all of them I say 'Have faith when you vote green' and 'Welcome aboard'!

Totally agree!

Ms. May on the news this evening was awesome, an excellant presentation of our economics, and not a rehash of the same old, with a different spin.

I think Canadians are getting very tired of the old school rhetoric.

If we do not act today, tomorrow will never be.

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